I dreamt of an enormous snake as big as my leg. It had a brown color and had very large scales near to its head. What's intriguing is that it didn't bite me or show any anger.
Dreaming of a snake can be associated with some kind of transformation that is about to happen in your life. The brown color of the snake suggests that this transformation is related to stability and grounding. The fact that the snake is as big as your leg and has large scales near its head may indicate that this transformation is something that is very real and present in your waking life, rather than just a vague idea.
The fact that the snake did not show any anger or bite you suggests that this transformation is not something to be feared, but rather something you can expect to navigate peacefully. Perhaps this dream is a sign that you have the strength and courage to handle whatever changes are coming your way.
Overall, the dream may suggest that you are going through a period of change and growth in your life, but that you have the resources and inner calm to navigate this change with confidence and a sense of purpose.